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Week 4 Oli Royce’s opinion of the Fashion Industry Future And My Feeling

Ollie Royce's predictions for the future of the fashion industry show his deep insight into the development of the industry. He believes that the fashion industry will show many new trends and changes in the future. These changes could include a greater focus on sustainability and environmentally friendly design concepts, as well as innovations that make greater use of digital technology and virtual reality. At the same time, consumers' demand for personalized and customized products may become increasingly high, which will prompt brands and designers to pay more attention to meeting consumers' personalized needs. In addition, with the continuous development and change of the global market, internationalization and diversification will also become an important trend in the fashion industry, and brands and designers need to constantly adjust their strategies to adapt to the changing market needs. Overall, Royce's forecast shows that the future of the fashion industry will face many challenges, but it will also be full of opportunities, requiring continuous effort and innovation from all parties within the industry.

When Oli Royce shared with us the importance and advantages of online operations, he emphasized the role of social media, saying that it can help us expand our network and provide more opportunities for our work.

Through his talk, I began to explore in depth the impact of social media on designers. With the rapid popularity of social media today, it can improve the visibility of designers and promote brands easily and quickly. Designers can quickly shape their brand image and style by showcasing their work and sharing design stories on social media. In addition, many social media platforms have market analytics data processing capabilities to help designers better understand consumer preferences and needs. Online sales have also become a feature of many social media platforms, helping brands engage with consumers and statistics.

This lecture made me pay more attention to the use of social media platforms. Before, I was hesitant to show my designs on social media, worried that they might not be good enough or there might not be enough of them. But I realized that if I didn't start trying, I would never get anywhere. I decided and believed in sharing the work on Instagram.

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